Hi! I'm Chris! I'm creating a mechanical pencil.

...but not just any mechanical pencil. A cool mechanical pencil that I got to design.

…the entire pencil is gonna be American made from solid brass…super high end. It’s a passion project; kind of a bucket-list item that I’ll get to experience and check off.

So, here were my goals for this pencil project...

  • I wanted it to be chunky… that way it’s easy to quickly find…and, let’s face it…in a workshop, it has to be hard to lose.
  • It has to be ergonomic…I mark my workpieces a lot…and it needs to be good at doing that. It doesn’t need to be comfortable for writing an essay, or drawing. It’s designed for marking projects.
  • It has to be beautiful.

So, if you think you might want to grab one?

… make sure to get on the list, and I will be sure to notify you the second we go live.